Steam Cylinder – Vapac PCM3N-3WA (D3N335)


Vapac Steam Cylinder PCM3N-3WA (D3N335)

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Vapac Steam Cylinder PCM3N-3WA (D3N335). Vapac Disposable Steam Cylinder D3N335 rated at 18 kilograms per hour. Suitable for areas with water conductivity between 200-600µS/cm. For use on Vapac LE18 and VS18 Humidifiers.

As water flows between different electrodes generating heat the water level begins to rise in the steam cylinder. The more the water level rises more surface area of the electrodes will be covered in water which will result in a hgiher current draw. Once the water in the cylinder reaches its boiling point steam will then be produced and distributed through the system. On first start up of the unit water conductivity is low so allow 30 to 60 minutes for the water to heat up to boiling and produce steam.

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